Colder Weather and impact of restrictions

Cooler Classrooms
Government guidance states that we have to ensure that classrooms are well ventilated in order to reduce the potential spread of coronavirus, thus we will be keeping the windows and doors open as much as possible. That means that as the weather gets colder we would ask that you ensure that children are dressed warmly, wearing layers that can be easily removed if they begin to feel too warm.
Field (muddy shoes / uniform)
We intend to make use of the field for as long as we possibly can so would remind you that children must have a pair of wellies / old trainers that they can change into before lunchtimes. Please be aware that this may mean that children may come home muddier than they would usually have.
Wet Weather
Children are remaining in their own class bubbles and their own classrooms for the vast majority of the day. We are very aware of how, for many children, the ‘lack of a change in scenery’ can be boring and could affect their well-being. In order to minimise any impact of this, we will be building additional opportunities for children to move in the day, for example brain breaks, classroom appropriate exercises, opportunities to go outside for a walk / run etc. This means that it is essential that all children wear a waterproof coat to school every day. Unless it is torrential rain, children will be spending some time outside getting fresh air and activity.