Robins Class - Year R/1
Mr. R. Gill (Class Teacher) Mrs. H. Gregory, Mrs. B. Cartright, Mrs. N. Dunstone, Mrs. R. Smith (LSA) Mrs. Gould (PPA Teacher)
Robins Class have a fenced off area from the main playground which forms part of their 'outdoor learning environment'. They have access to this area throughout the day. For more information on the Reception and Year 1 Curriculum, please visit our Curriculum page under Key Information. |
In our mixed EYFS and Year 1 class, the children's education is planned using cross-curricular learning themes in which areas of learning and subjects overlap to reinforce and compliment each other. Each learning theme is planned carefully to meet the needs and capabilities of the child. We aim to develop knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes necessary for the child's whole development.
At Worlebury we strongly believe that Early Years education is the foundation upon which young children build the rest of their schooling. It is a holistic education that encompasses all learning and development so that 'no child gets left behind'. This is the purpose, nature and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Worlebury Primary School.
Year One is the first year in Key Stage One. The children's educationn is planned using the National Curriculum via our Creative Curriculum . EYFS is available to children who enter school from September of the academic year in which they will turn five years old. These children are in the final year of the EYFS. In the National Curriculum this is referred to as the Reception Year, or YR. To read the full policy please look at Policies under Key Information.
Start of the day: 8.45am End of the day: 3.15pm
RECEPTION Parent Information Booklet Terms 1 and 2
YEAR 1 Parent Information Booklet Terms 1 and 2
This document includes:
Term 1 and 2 Curriculum overview
Term 1 and 2 Knowledge organisers
Term 1 and 2 Show and Tell
Maths home support guides
Recommended Reading list
Phonics progression guide
Writing Knowledge and Skills for Parents
(Spelling list - Year 1 only)
Please visit our Class DoJo class page which shows all of our up-to-date stories, photos and videos of learning!
Please contact Mr Gill if you experience any difficulties logging in.
Please share reading books at least 5 times a week and record your progress in your child's reading log. We audit all reading logs weekly to support you and your child's development and issue house points accordingly. If you require any help and support with home reading, please see Mr. Gill. Additional support videos can be found below.
Weekly 'Show and Tell' home learning is shared weekly through Class DoJo on each Friday during term. Weekly themes are displayed in the termly 'curriculum parent booklets' found above. (These carefully selected tasks support your child in speaking, listening and consolidating topics and themes.)
Year 1 can access Numbots and Spelling here:
Crocodile Snap Pencil Grip song
Simple Speed Sounds phonics chart
White Rose 1 minute Maths app can be downloaded for android and iOS through app store (Free resource)
Thank you to those who came to our Phonics Workshop. Please find attached below the PowerPoint from the session.
Reception Learning Diary
Term 1:
Welcome to our new class of 2024-25. We have enjoyed getting to know the school and members of our community. Our Year 1 children have acted as fantastic role models and have helped to explain and show expectations and the routines we follow in school. We have a wonderful class of children who are enthusiastic about their learning!!
A warm welcome to our Robins Class of EYFS and Key Stage 1 learners. We begin our exciting adventure of 'Heroes and Villains'. Please enjoy looking through our Parent Information booklet which outlines our curriculum and learning.
Our Year 1 children have created maps of the classroom to present share with our new children. They will explain our school values and golden rules which we will being discussing in our class contract this week!