Moles Class - Year 1/2
Mr. A. Mackie (Class Teacher) Mrs. N. Dunstone (PPA Teacher) Mrs.T. Baker (TA) Mrs. R. Knowles (TA) Mrs. S. Ely (TA) |
Year one and year two are the two year-groups in Key Stage One. The children's education is planned using the National Curriculum via our Creative Curriculum. We use cross-curricular learning themes in which subjects overlap to reinforce and compliment each other. Each learning theme is planned carefully to meet the needs and capabilities of the child. We aim to develop knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes necessary for the child's whole development. |
Start of the day: 8.45am End of the day: 3.15pm
Term One for children starts: Wednesday 4th September 2024
Inset days: Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September 2024
YEAR 1 Moles: 'Pesky Pirates' Term 34 Curriculum Information 2024/5
YEAR 2 Moles: 'Pesky Pirates' T34 Curriclum Information 2024/5
YEAR 1 Moles: ''Desert Explorers' Term 12 Curriculum Information 2024/5
YEAR 2 Moles: ''Desert Explorers' Term 12 Curriculum Information 2024/5
Term 1 and 2 Optional Home Learning
The children need to read at least 5 times a week to an adult. Additionally, they can practise a new spelling pattern on Spelling Shed and practise their numerical skills using 1 Minute Maths and Numbots.
Reading 5 x week

- Phonics Play
- Phonics Bloom
- Numbots
Term 1&2 2024-5 Desert Explorers
The children experienced a WOW Day and have been on an African adventure. They have been learning about Massai Necklace Art and how the different colours in the necklaces represents bravery, peace, health etc. Each of the children made their own designs using a paper plate for their necklace.
Next, they enjoyed doing Adinkra which is printing on cloth. The children selected a stencil and painted the stencil in a chosen colour. Then, they stamped the stencil on the cloth. The children also enjoyed listening to stories from Kwame about Ghana and certainly learnt lots about life in Africa.
In the afternoon, the children finished off their Wow day learning a traditional African dance and participating in drumming. It was a great day and the children really enjoyed participating in our special day.
We started our new school year with a trip the sea front! The walk there was lovely and the children enjoyed travelling through the woods and down through Grove Park. At the beach, the children showed amazing teamwork to create a sea turtle- I think you would agree how fantastic it looks! At the end we made sure that the beach was returned to how it was before we came in order to respect and help take care of our environment.
Welcome to a brand new school year! The Moles Class teaching team are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school and can't wait to see you all! We will have lots of fun learning together this year and growing together as a whole new class.
This year, we are starting a new learning project called, 'Desert Explorers'. During this learning project we will study deserts in Africa and the Arctic, we will look at what plants grow in the deserts of Africa and compare the climatic differences between the Arctic and African deserts.
Doomice 2023-24
Term 6
For our final term this year, we are firing up the flux capacitor and heading back to the Victorian times! While we are there we will be taking a break and heading down to the seaside to find out how the seaside became the place to be for Victorians and for us now. Keep checking back to see what we find out!
Term 5
Spring is in the air and to celebrate, this term, we will be focusing on all things plant related in our 'How Does Your Garden Grow?' topic! Keep checking back to see how we get on!
We have tried our hand at planting all sorts of plants as part of our Science Fair Investigation to determine which would grow the quickest: poppies, mint, basil, tomatoes, pansies or sunflowers!
Term 4
This term, we are revisiting 'Amazing Animals' and will be going deeper in our understanding of the incredible variety of animals that live on our planet. We will be identifying vertebrates and comparing their characteristics, looking at their diets and take a look at the human body. We will also be going to Court Farm to experience life on a working farm, get close-up and personal to some farmyard animals and go on a tractor ride!
Trip to Court Farm
We Had a fab time at Court Farm learning all about the animals that live and work on the farm.
Term 3
Happy New Year! As we celebrate the beginning of a new calendar year, we will start to learn about another new year celebration that is celebrated by over a billion people in the world; Chinese New Year! This year, it is the Year of the Dragon and the New Year celebrations begin on Saturday 10th February. We will be learning all about the festival, the origins of the Chinese Zodiac as well as The Story of Nian. Keep checking our Class Dojo for updates on our exciting learning!
Term 1 and 2
Welcome to our Dormice Class page and a brand new school year! The children return on Wednesday September 6th and we are all really looking forward to seeing them again after the holidays!
The first few days back at school will be our induction where we will create class contracts and revisit expectations of learning and behaviour. The week will end with the sharing of our learning with the rest of the school. The following week we will begin our learning project, 'Amazing Animals' The information pack for learning can be accessed on Class Dojo as well as on the website.
All messages and displays of work will be sent through our ClassDojo system. This is where you can get in contact to ask questions, see children's learning and stay up-to-date with everything that is happening in Dormice Class and in the school. For external enquiries, please contact the school office via the email on the contact page of this website.
Dormice Class Information SheetClass Information 23 24Term One Curriculum Information Amazing Animals Term 1
Term One Knowledge Organiser:
Amazing Animals Knowledge Organiser
Term Two Curriculum Information:
Term Two Knowledge Organiser:
Historically Royal Knowledge Organiser
Term Three Curriculum Information:
Term Three Knowledge Organiser:
China and Us Knowledge Organiser
Term Four Curriculum Information:
Term Four Knowledge Organiser:
Amazing Animals 2 Knowledge Organiser
Term Five Curriculum Information:
Term Five Knowledge Organiser:
How Does Your Garden Grow Knowledge Organiser
Term Six Curriculum:
Term Six Knowledge Organiser:
A Jolly Victorian Holiday Knowledge Organiser
Hello to Year 1!
I hope you are all as well rested as this Dormouse here! Welcome back to school and say hello to Year 1 and our new class name Dormice Class! During our transition week, we will be learning more about the animal that inspired our class name as well as the book The Red Beast. We will also learn about what makes a good class and learner!
Our topic this term is Amazing Animals where we will be discovering the incredible world of animals! More information to follow so keep your eyes peeled and your whiskers preened!
Mr Tran
Useful websites:
- Use the code CVDTWINKLHELPS to access free resources
- (for different maths activities and greater depth)
- (free maths lessons from Carol Vorderman)
- (for mindfulness, yoga, dance and PE workouts)
- (for short videos to inspire writing)
- (Joe Wicks daily workout from 9am)
- (for wake and shakes)
- (for free art tutorials)
- (for maths problem solving activities)
- Letter formation. Please use this PPT to remind and demonstrate to children of the correct way to form their letters using cursive handwriting. There is additional info on slide 2 of the PPT. Letter-Formation-PowerpoSpellings. Attached is the list of Common Exception words for Year 1. These are the words that do not follow phonics rules and are commonly misspelled but should be secure by the end of Year 1. When checking over writing, highlight 2/3 of these for them to practice. Please note, by the end of Year 1 children are not expected to spell every single word correctly and it is not uncommon for them to use plausible alternatives. By the end of Year 1, children are expected to spell most words using the previously taught sounds and rules. Year-1-Common-Exception-WordsPhonics. Attached is a glossary of terminology used during our phonics lessons. There is also a guide to the sounds covered in Phase 2, 3 and 5. Worlebury_SSP_guide_for_parentsPhonics PPT. You could use these as a quick recall to help revise sounds taught previously. They have been broken up into 2 sets (Phase 3 and Phase 5). set_1_soundsset_2_soundsReading. Please find attached some guidance and top tips for reading with your children at home. I have also put up links for websites that have books available to read for free online so if you are finding you're running out of books to read or just want to freshen things up, do check these out! Top Reading Tips Reading with your child Booklet Oxford Owl - free eBooks Storyline Online MyOn