North Somerset have replaced the old free school meal (FSM) paper application forms with an online checker. Parents will have to apply online and will get an instant decision on eligibility. If successful, the system will generate a confirmation that parents can then print off and give to the school. Where parents do not have printers, we can accept either an email ( or by coming into school and showing the confirmation to the admin office on a smart phone.
Due to the roll out of Universal Credit, any child entitled to free school meals should keep their entitlement until the end of the school stage they are in as at March 2022. The school stage refers to primary, secondary, or sixth form. This means many people should not reapply until they change from primary school to secondary school, or secondary school to sixth form in September 2022. These children should reapply in the Summer holidays before they change school (so no earlier than July 2022).
If any child moves schools in this time, the parent should email to update your records.
Please note that the entitlement is per child, not per family, so it is now very common for one sibling to be entitled to free school meals but a second to not be entitled.
Any parent/carer with a child not currently entitled to free school meals can apply online at
For any queries, please email
Even if your child is receiving universal free school meals because they are in Reception or KS1, please claim for free school meals if you are entitled to it as the school receives extra funding and free milk will be provided each day for each child - see leaflets below for more details: