

Terms of Reference Local Governing Committee

Terms of Reference Curriculum and Standards Committee

Terms of Reference Ethos Committee

Terms of Reference Finance and Resources Committee

Governor Summary 2023-24

Code of Conduct for Governors


 For benchmarking financial information about our school click here.

Committees and Chairs

Committee Chair of Committee
Ethos Victoria Harper
Finance and Human Resources
Headteacher's Performance Review Panel
Pay Committee Chris Heath-Williams & Cath Rockman
Admissions Committee Michelle Bamford






Governors Newsletters 

Ruth Smith
Chair of Governors


Gesine Gill

 Foundation Governor 



Lisa Williams

Clerk to the Governors





Robbie Gill

Staff Governor

 Catherine Rockman

 Parent Governor


Jonathan Billing

Foundation Governor

Tori Harper

Foundation Governor

Sally Barrow

Foundation Governor

Chris Heath-Williams

Parent Governor