Zakhele Za Foundation Visit
As part of our curriculum plan to develop the children’s cultural diversity and cultivate character we are delighted to be inviting ‘Zakhele Za Foundation’ to our school on Monday 25th March 2019. They will be immersing the children in storytelling, music and dance in different workshops across the day.
The purpose of the workshops are to enable the children to experience firsthand some of these special African traditions. Every child will be developing their understanding of these traditions through a special assembly and an hour long workshop with their class. As the cost of the day is £600 we are asking parents/carers for a voluntary contribution of £1.50 per child. The PTA have kindly offered to fund the remaining £300.
We will video the day and ensure that footage is uploaded to class pages for you to enjoy with your children. All contributions should be paid by Friday 8th March. Thank you.
For more information about the Zakhele Za Foundation please visit: