Track & Trace and Holiday Isolation Notifications

Schools have been directed to remain contactable for six days after we break up to assist with contact tracing / notifications for any positive cases of COVID-19 that occur after the end of term (December 18th). This is so that we can notify staff and parents/carers if there has been contact at school with a person who has subsequently tested positive.
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 or is symptomatic with one of the three COVID-19 symptoms after the end of term, please notify the school on 07926 100311 (preferably) or by EMAIL to the school office address: with the subject line: SYMPTOMATIC CASE OR POSITIVE CASE.
Please do not use Class Dojo, Tapestry or leave an answerphone message as these will not be monitored over the holiday.
A ParentMail alert will be sent if your child has been in contact with a positive case. You will then need to follow the guidance set out in the self-isolation notification letter. Self-isolation guidance will be available on our school website.