Term 1 Christian Value is Generosity
Term 1 Christian Value is Generosity
As many of you are aware, each term we focus on a Christian value which leads the theme of our collective worship times in school. In introducing this term’s value of generosity, we are challenging the children to consider how they might carry out a small act of kindness each day. Whole school collective worship at Worlebury will become virtual this academic year due to the fact that class bubbles cannot be in the same place at the same time. Once the new routines are in place zoom invites will be sent out as relevant (applicable to Thursday worship).
Each week worship themes are as follows:
Monday: Christian Value worship usually led by Mrs Bamford
Tuesday: Diversity worship led by a teacher
Wednesday: Celebration worship led by a teacher
Thursday: Family worship led by Mrs Bamford, and occasionally, a member of clergy, visitor or a class.
Friday: CREW worship led by Year Six Crew leaders