School Uniform Reminder
School uniform is compulsory. We understand that generic uniform from high street retailers can be less expensive and are happy for children to wear these non-logo items, as long as they are within the school's colour requirements. Uniform is important as we believe it promotes a pride in the school and a sense of community and allows our children to look smart. All items can be purchased from Concept Wear or, for second hand / pre-loved uniform, from the PTA. Please ensure that all items are named.
Navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan
Jade polo shirt with/out the school logo
Navy blue/black skirt/pinafore/trousers
In the summer months (if desired), school uniform shorts/checked summer dresses (within school colours)
Black school shoes (not trainers) with white/black/navy socks/tights
PE uniform: navy/black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, plain white T-shirt and trainers. Navy hoodies (logo or plain) can be worn during PE sessions only!
A number of children have been wearing trainers to school, please note they should be wearing school shoes. Also, base layers (for the purpose of warmth) can be worn under school uniform but not if children wear shorts. For those who choose to wear a skirt/pinafore, please be mindful of its length. They should be knee length or slightly above.
I appreciate that children outgrow clothes very quickly but wearing shorts under a skirt because it is too short is not acceptable as school uniform.