School Information
Year 2 Cake Sale
Well done to Year 2 who raised a whopping £140 last week. This money will be used to part pay for the Year 2s upcoming trip to SS Great Britain. Thank you to everyone who helped with this and a special thank you to Wizzies Cake Crafts who kindly donated cakes for the sale!
Reception Impending New Arrivals
We are excitedly awaiting for the chicks in Reception class to hatch. Suggestions of names via Mr Gill – although I’m pretty certain the children will have already decided!
Reading Volunteers Wanted
Can you spare an hour or two a week? Would you be happy to listen to some children read? Reading is very important and we are looking for any mums, dads, grandparents who would be able to give up some time each week to listen to children read. Mandatory volunteer safeguarding checks will be undertaken and a safeguarding briefing is held with all volunteers. Please email the school office and let us know what you can do!
School Attendance
Clearly Covid has had an impact on many children’s attendance, however this attendance would be considered authorised as it was due to illness. Unauthorised attendance continues to be a concern for some children. North Somerset have now resumed issuing fixed term penalties (fines) for holiday in term time absences of more than 5 days or for cases where children’s attendance is causing concerns. Please support your child’s education as well as their well-being by ensuring that they attend school regularly.