Next Week

Coming back next week should be relatively straightforward as we have continued to run the school similarly to before the Christmas break. In terms of the day to day running, there will be no changes for you as parents/carers.

Class Bubbles remain the same and bubbles will continue to not have contact with any other bubbles throughout the day

Staggered times remain the same. Please ensure that children remain separated from other bubble children when arriving and leaving school.

Breakfast and After School Provision: book spaces as usual with Jimi Reynolds on The wraparound care bubbles will continue as September with children being kept in consistent groups within the school hall. Groups as follows: Year R and 1, Year 2 and 3, Year 4 and 5, Year 6 – maximum of 15 children per group.

Adults on the school site: All adults are expected to wear face coverings whilst on the school site. Adults waiting in the staff car park and in the main playground (for Monk’s Hill gate children) must keep 2 metres from all other adults including school staff. Only one adult should accompany your child to and from school, wherever possible. As is the case now, parents/carers will not be able to come into the school playground in the mornings and children will have to separate from parents/carers at the school gate. On entry, children will be required to cleanse their hands with hand sanitiser.

Adventure Playground: Due to stringent cleaning guidance, the adventure playground will continue to be timetabled to one class a week. Please do not allow your children or their siblings to play on the adventure playground after school.

PE Kits: Except Reception, all other year groups should wear their PE kits on the day of PE.

Ventilation: Classrooms have to remain ventilated during the school day which means that doors and windows are kept open as often as possible. As the weather improves the need to wear additional layers may reduce however whilst the weather is still cool, ensure your children are dressed warmly. Waterproof coats and old trainers/wellies (for field play) are essential every day!

Spare set of clothes: All children need a spare set of clothes (not necessarily uniform) to keep in school.

Fruit and Vegetable Scheme for Reception and Key stage One (Year One and Year Two) continues. Key Stage Two children are reminded to bring in a healthy snack for break times (fruit/veg/cereal bars – crisps or chocolate items etc. will not be allowed).

Nut Free School: Please do not include any nuts or nut products in lunchboxes or for snacks as we have children with severe nut allergies.

School dinners: Reception/Key Stage One children eat lunch (at designated times) in the school hall. Key Stage Two children will continue to eat their lunch in their own classrooms.

Face Coverings: Children will not be expected to wear face coverings in or around school. Staff wear face coverings around school but are not expected to wear them within classrooms.

Attendance: From 8th March, attendance is compulsory. The government will be requiring Headteachers to tackle non-attendance and this may result in penalty notices being issued. If you have any health and safety concerns, I would urge you to contact me to discuss these further. Consistent attendance will help your child get back to school and will reduce the anxiety that being away has caused.