Forest School
We are very excited to share that we will begin running forest school sessions as part of our curriculum for all children. Each term, one class will spend Friday afternoons undertaking forest school learning in our forest school space meaning that every class will have undertaken a block of six forest school sessions during the year.
To get the provision up and running, we are seeking donations of the following please:
• Egg boxes
• Logs / wood (can be donated throughout the year)
• Wood chips for creating paths
• Magnifying glasses
• Potato peelers
• Old working torches
• Haybale string
• Bird seed
• Natural weave baskets
• Old tyres
• Overalls/all-in-one waterproofs to fit a range of primary aged children
• Spare wellies
• Socks
• Flat pebbles
• Hand-held trowel / forks
• Clean DIY paintbrushes
• Small buckets
• Woodland Creature Cuddly Toys
We are also looking for anyone who knits / crochets to create some adult hand-sized story book characters. We will also be asking for volunteers for the sessions on a Friday afternoon. For more information on any of the above please speak to Mrs Dawes (Geography and Forest School Lead).