Covid Cases Update
In the last two weeks, we have had several confirmed cases of Covid across the school with Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 all being affected. All these classes have had more than one confirmed case each and it is likely that there will be further cases over the next few weeks. We want to reassure you that we continue to liaise with our local health protection team in regards to cases and have decided to continue with the additional control measures (limited mixing indoors) until the end of this term. If we are asked to implement any further measures, we will inform parents and carers.
As we are sure you are aware, Covid cases have been affecting staffing across many industries with schools not being an exception! Whilst we always set out to cover staff absence with consistent known adults, this will not always be possible and I ask that you are patient as we try to prioritise face-to-face education for the children whilst dealing with staffing absences.
Please support our school community by:
Undertaking regular later flow tests for asymptomatic children (especially in classes where there are cases). Please don’t forget that close contacts are now asked to undertake a LFD test daily for 7 days after close contact.
Keeping symptomatic children at home and immediately arranging a PCR test.
Mask Wearing on the School Premises
The Government guidance has changed and masks are no longer expected to be worn on the school premises, except when indoors (in classrooms by visiting adults and all communal areas). Thank you all for supporting us with this