Coronavirus Cases and Updates
As you will have seen in earlier communications, we have had several confirmed cases of Coronavirus across the school. We are in liaison with the Health Protection team. Due to meeting the threshold, we have now implemented the first stage in the school’s outbreak management plan. For this week we will need to do the following:
Postpone the whole school pantomime (we will move this to the New Year).
Move back to virtual worships for the week. This will include family worship and purple cards this week. The link will be sent to parents of children receiving purple cards.
Cancel the live KS2 carol concert and move to a recorded event. The recording link will be sent out later this week. Please can children who are performing bring in their music/lyrics/instruments tomorrow as they will be recorded. Choir will be recorded during the club after school on Wednesday.
Limit numbers in the hall resulting in some classes eating lunch in their classrooms.
Omicron Variant: All individuals who have been identified as a close contact of a suspected or confirmed case of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, irrespective of vaccination status and age, will continue to be required to self-isolate and asked to book a PCR test. The Government plans to introduce Daily Contact Testing as soon as possible as an alternative to self-isolation for contacts of positive Omicron cases who are fully vaccinated or under the age of 18 years and 6 months.