SEND & Inclusion


As a school that embraces a belief of ‘Learning without Limits’, we passionately believe that given the right conditions all children are capable of anything. We endeavour to provide a learning environment that nurtures children’s learning.  By trusting and empowering our children to play a part in the decisions around provision and challenge and by growing their learning dispositions of perseverance, resilience, collaboration, resourcefulness and motivation we will enable our children to believe in themselves and therefore progress socially and academically.

We believe in working in partnership with children and their families as well as with other relevant agencies. In doing so we operate a graduated response (see below) to supporting any child who may require support with their learning and / or emotional well-being.

Our SENCO (Mr Alex Mackie) and Assistant SENCO (Mrs Garland) as well as classteachers (the first person you should speak to) are always available to discuss any concerns that you may have regarding your child’s learning and / or emotional well-being.

See the following links for more information:

SEN Information Report

SEND Policy

Accessibility Plan

SEND Code of Practice approved by Parliament  29 July 2014

SEND Guide For Parents and Carers

Link to North Somerset's Local Offer